Bangladesh Species Database (Beta version
Explore the Biodiversity of Bangladesh
| 2194 Valid names - 8180 Synonyms - 3270 Common Names - 143 Images - 2939 References | 0 Bacteria - 0 Archaea - 0 Protozoans - 0 Algae - 0 Plants - 0 Fungus - 0 Invertebrates - 826 Fishes - 49 Amphibians - 167 Reptiles - 566 Birds - 139 Mammals |
Kingdom | : | Animalia |
Phylum | : | Chordata |
Class | : | Teleostei |
Order | : | Siluriformes |
Family | : | Sisoridae |
Genus | : | Gogangra |
Species | : | Gogangra viridescens |
Data not available |
Global | : | Bangladesh[70] Bhutan[847] India[6] Nepal[740] Pakistan[589] |
Bangladesh | : | Old brahmaputra, Mymensingh[5] Chalan beel, Natore[490] Sunamganj haor region, Sunamganj[729] Someshwari river, Netrokona[806] Tanguar Haor, Sunamganj[1025] Sandha river, Pirojpur[1206] |
Parameters | Units | Minimum | Maximum | Optimum | Ref. |
Temperature | - | - | - | - | - |
pH | - | - | - | - | - |
DO | - | - | - | - | - |
Free CO2 | - | - | - | - | - |
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