Laubuka laubuca is a valid scientific name.
Laubuka laubuca (Hamilton, 1822)
Indian glass-barb - Kash Khaira - Native Fish - Wild (Freshwater)

Systematic Position: [
Kingdom | : | Animalia |
Phylum | : | Chordata |
Class | : | Teleostei |
Order | : | Cypriniformes |
Family | : | Cyprinidae |
Genus | : | Chela |
Species | : | Laubuka laubuca |
Common Names:English | : | Indian glass-barb[6] Indian hatchetfish[6] |
Bangla | : | Kash Khaira[5] Laubuca[5] Sephatia[5] Leuzza darkina[5] |
Synonyms:Chela laubuca (Hamilton, 1822)
Cyprinus laubuca Hamilton, 1822
Leuciscus laubuca (Hamilton, 1822)
Perilampus laubuca (Hamilton, 1822)
Chela labauca (Hamilton, 1822)
Chela labuca (Hamilton, 1822)
Laubuca laubuca (Hamilton, 1822)
Perilampus guttatus McClelland, 1839
Laubuca guttatus (McClelland, 1839)
Perilampus fulvescens Blyth, 1860
Clupea huae Tirant, 1883
Chela huae (Tirant, 1883)
Danio menoni Barman, 1986
Laubuca siamensis (Non Fowler, 1939)
Chela laubuca lankensis (Non Deraniyagala, 1960)
Maximum Length and Weight:8.75 cm (TL) [347] 67 mm (TL) [5]
Inter-Length Relationship:Head length : Total length : Standard length = 1 : 4.8-5.4 : 3.7-4 [5]
Body height : Total length : Standard length = 1 : 3.5-4.2 : 2.7-3.3 [5]
Eye Diameter : Head length = 1 : 3-3.3 [5]
Eye Diameter : Snout length = 1 : .8-1 [5]
Eye Diameter : Inter orbial width = 1 : 1.2-1.3 [5]
Taxonomic Formula:Scales:34-36 scales on lateral line. 20-21 scales before dorsal fin base. 3-4 scales between origin of pelvic fin and lateral line. [5]
Chemistry:Conservation Status:Global | : | Not Assessed | (Version 3.1) [730] |
Bangladesh | : | Least Concern (LC) | (Version 3.1) [421] |
Occurrence/Distribution:Global | : | Bangladesh[70] Cambodia[823] India[37] Indonesia[449] Laos[714] Malaysia[449] Myanmar[832] Nepal[134] Pakistan[741] Sri Lanka[90] Thailand[670] Vietnam[714] |
Bangladesh | : | Padma river, Rajshahi[274] Chalan beel, Natore[490] Halda River, Chittagong Hill Tracts[598] Mahananda River, Chapainawabganj[775] Old brahmaputra, Mymensingh[796] Talma River, Panchagarh[800] Someshwari river, Netrokona[806] Tanguar Haor, Sunamganj[1025] Punarbhaba, Dinajpur[1161] Feni river, Feni[1165] Muhuri river, Feni[1165] Balla beel, Moulvibazar[1168] Betna river, Satkhira[1201] Ghaghat river, Gaibandha[1202] |
Habitat and Environment:Habitat: Canal, Beel, Baor, River [347]
Environment:Parameters | Units | Minimum | Maximum | Optimum | Ref. |
Temperature | - | - | - | - | - |
pH | - | - | - | - | - |
DO | - | - | - | - | - |
Free CO2 | - | - | - | - | - |
Breeding Maturity:Breeding Season: (red background)
Fecundity:Food and Feeding Habit:Diet composition (%): Data not available
Importance:Production and Marketing:Production/Harvesting Season: (Green = Peak, Yellow = Off, Lemon = Moderate)Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | [792] |
Harvesting Gears: Seine net, Push net, Fixed net [792]
Market price: 200-300 BDT/kg (Size: 5-6 cm, Weight: 8-10 g, Place: Noakhali, Bangladesh) [792]